Blog1 October 2024

Is Cheap Always Cheerful? The Hidden Cost of Long Work Weeks

Written by:

Amanda Simms


Last year, Infosys founder Narayana Murthy made headlines that are still reverberating through the business world. He called on young IT workers to strive for 70-hour work weeks to help India compete globally. Yes, 70 hours. Seven-zero. That’s almost double what we’d consider a standard work week, and frankly, it gives you pause. Even now, his statement is sparking conversations about work culture and our expectations of employees. In a world where we talk about balance and physical health, the mental health aspect often gets overlooked.

When customers in any industry seek cheaper prices—whether it’s electronics, clothing, or services—we have to ask: at what cost? And more importantly, at whose cost? Are we paying for efficiency and faster processes, or are we just paying for cheaper labor?

The People Behind the Price Tag

I love a bargain as much as anyone. Who doesn’t want more for less? But the truth is, when something is unusually cheap, there’s always a hidden cost somewhere. If it’s not being paid by the customer, then it’s likely being borne by the people doing the work.

The idea of long hours and a relentless schedule might seem like a way to boost productivity and gain a competitive edge. But think about what that means for the individuals behind those numbers. Seventy hours a week means working from 9 AM to 9 PM, Monday through Saturday, plus a few extra hours for good measure. It leaves little time for, well, living.

That’s time taken away from family, hobbies, rest, and all the small things that make life worth living. In this context, people become little more than productivity units. The real cost ends up being their well-being, mental health, and even their ability to innovate or find joy in their work.

But What About Innovation?

There’s a persistent myth in the consulting world that more hours automatically mean better results. Productivity equals success, right? Well, not always. The truth is, the best ideas don’t tend to show up at hour 67 of a grueling work week when you’re bleary-eyed and running on your fifth cup of coffee. Great ideas are born when people feel rested, energized, and have the space to think beyond the task immediately in front of them.

A culture that prioritizes relentless hours doesn’t breed innovation—it breeds burnout. It leads to talented people leaving the industry because they’re exhausted and uninspired. And for what? To save a little on costs?

The Human-Centered Approach

Let’s shift the focus from price to value. Let’s value the people behind the work as much as the work itself. The tech industry has always been about pushing boundaries and redefining what’s possible. But that doesn’t mean we should be pushing people to their breaking points.

Instead, companies need to build a work culture that actively teaches people to set boundaries—and, most importantly, makes it clear that doing so is okay. It’s not just about giving people permission to log off; it’s about creating an environment where saying “no” to excessive demands is normalized and respected. Encouraging people to set those boundaries isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a way to ensure everyone can perform at their best without burning out.

The brightest minds need time to think, space to breathe, and an environment that supports their creativity and well-being. The true cost of overworking is a loss of innovation, energy, and ultimately, talent. Overworked people don’t have the capacity to be their best selves, and they don’t create their best work.

So, when you’re faced with the promise of cheaper prices, pause and ask what those prices really mean. Are we endorsing a culture that exhausts its workers in the pursuit of savings, or are we investing in a sustainable model that values well-being, creativity, and long-term success? Because, in the long run, healthy, supported teams will consistently deliver better outcomes, happier clients, and a more vibrant industry.

We’re here to do great work and make a difference, yes. But we’re also here to live, to thrive—not just survive. And that’s the kind of culture that benefits everyone: clients, companies, and most importantly, the people making it all happen.

It makes you think, doesn’t it?


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