Blog24 November 2023

Our Vision for a Happy Remote Work Culture

Written by:

Amanda Simms


As you may already know, my passion revolves around shedding light on topics that shape companies and their employees. This includes subjects like diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and female leadership. If you haven’t had a chance to look into those conversations, feel free to explore the links to my previous blogs on DEI&B, female leadership, and the power of diversity.

Today, I’m starting a new conversation inspired by a recent post from our Marketing Director, Dimphy van Heusden (check out her LinkedIn post here). This post connects with a question that often comes my way: How do you cultivate a robust company culture while being a fully remote company? Dimphy’s exploration of employee recognition sparked a flame, prompting me to discuss the trends, challenges, and triumphs of remote work here at Simms & Associates.

Our Evolution: From ‘Remote First’ to ‘Fully Remote’

Before we dive in, it’s essential to acknowledge our journey. We initially embraced a ‘remote first’ policy when we had physical offices. This approach ensured that everything we put in place considered the remote team member, eliminating disadvantages for those not in our offices. When the lockdowns hit, and our team transitioned to fully remote work, this foundation proved instrumental. The success and flexibility experienced during this time led us to a unanimous decision – we are now truly and proudly a fully remote company. Even when restrictions were lifted, our team preferred the freedom and flexibility of working from home.

The seismic shift in traditional workspaces, accelerated by the global pandemic, has led us to embrace remote work as a defining aspect of our identity. In this blog post, I explore the ever-evolving landscape of remote work, the hurdles we’ve faced when becoming a fully remote company, and the strategies we’ve adopted not just to overcome; but thrive in this digital space.

The Remote Work Landscape: A Snapshot from Forbes 2023

Nowadays, the remote work revolution is gaining unprecedented momentum. As reported by a June 2023 Forbes article, remote work has emerged as a dominant and transformative trend. Notably, about 16% of companies are already fully remote, operating without a physical office. These forward-thinking companies are pioneers in the remote work paradigm, showcasing the practicality and success of such models and, in turn, paving the way for others to embrace this progressive approach.

The statistics further underscore this paradigm shift, revealing that almost 13% of full-time employees have transitioned to working from home, while an additional 28% have embraced a hybrid model—effectively combining home and in-office work. This nuanced approach offers a flexible working arrangement that aligns with the evolving needs of the workforce.

The widespread embrace of remote work is not only evident in organisational structures but also echoes in the sentiments of individual workers. An overwhelming 98% of employees express a strong desire for remote work, emphasising the growing preference for flexible work arrangements. This collective sentiment reflects a transformative shift in how people envision and pursue their professional lives.

Remote Work Trends and Insights

Drawing from Forbes, we understand that the computer and IT sector leads in remote work, aligning with tasks that are often digital in nature. However, the flexibility of remote work extends across diverse sectors, offering opportunities for various types of work even in traditionally on-site industries such as retail, healthcare, hospitality, and manufacturing.

Simms & Associates’ Approach – Addressing the Challenges

While remote work has gained popularity, it comes with several challenges that need to be faced and addressed to ensure success and maintain a happy and healthy workplace.

Fostering Connections

At Simms & Associates, we acknowledge the challenges presented by different time zones, cultures, and languages. Our commitment to fostering connections is reflected in our monthly virtual townhalls. We recognise the importance of maintaining a strong sense of community in a geographically dispersed team.

Recognizing Achievements

The ‘Bravocados,’ our unique recognition system, symbolises our commitment to acknowledgement and celebration. Not limited to management discretion, these recognitions foster a culture of appreciation, bridging the gaps in virtual interactions as colleagues give each other ‘bravocados’ within our team communication platform in an area specifically set aside for recognising each other.

Investing in Well-Being

Remote work can impact well-being, and at Simms & Associates, we prioritise mental health resources, flexible schedules, and virtual celebrations to ensure our team members feel supported, valued, and connected.

Professional Growth Across Borders

Our commitment to professional growth transcends geographical boundaries. Online courses, mentorship programmes, and virtual watercooler sessions empower our team to evolve in their roles, irrespective of their location.

Transparent Communication

The challenges of remote work call for transparent communication. Regular feedback sessions, performance reviews, and an open-door policy ensure that every voice is heard, contributing to a culture of continuous improvement.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of remote work, Simms & Associates stands as a beacon of innovation, addressing the challenges head-on and embracing the trends shaping the future of work. Our commitment to fostering connections, recognising achievements, prioritising well-being, supporting professional growth, and maintaining transparent communication defines our approach to a happy and engaged remote work culture.

Whether you’re a potential team member, a valued customer, a partner or an intrigued competitor, join us in redefining the future of work—a future where connection, engagement, and happiness transcend physical boundaries.



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