
Workforce Management Transformation in the Health Sector at Matia with UKG Pro WFM

Matia, a Spain-based non-profit organisation with over 130 years of experience in providing socio-healthcare services, initiated a review to improve their workforce management after their existing system became outdated. After careful market analysis and consultation with Simms & Associates, they chose UKG Pro WFM. Matia’s goals were to optimise their operations, empower their staff, and enhance the quality of care to their clients.

"Our collaboration with Simms & Associates has been instrumental in improving our team management practices and allowing us to focus on our core mission of enhancing the well-being of the elderly. With their support, we have optimised operations, empowered our team members, and ultimately, improved the quality of care we provide."

Gorka Urdampiletta // Director of Digital Transformation, Matia

Simms & Associates assisted Matia Fundazioa in the digital transformation of their Human Resources management system. Matia Fundazioa, a renowned foundation providing healthcare, residential, and home care services based in Gipuzkoa, Spain, has a rich history of supporting the elderly and people with functional diversity to enhance their well-being. With a strong focus on promoting autonomy and dignity, Matia offers services that cover the aging process, including residential care for the elderly and functionally diverse, day centres, home care services, hospitalisation, and outpatient rehabilitation. Over the years, they have significantly impacted the well-being of more than 28,000 individuals thanks to the involvement of their 1,600 professionals and the altruistic contribution of over 1,400 volunteers.

Matia faced the critical challenge of managing its workforce effectively as their current platform no longer met their needs. With a wide range of services and a large team of professionals and volunteers, the coordination of schedules, resource management, and compliance assurance had become increasingly complex. The goal was to find a comprehensive workforce management solution that could optimise operations, enhance efficiency, and empower each team member to effectively contribute to the organisation’s mission.

Matia diligently explored various alternative solutions. After careful consideration and consultations with industry peers, they selected UKG Pro WFM to meet their evolving needs. Collaborating with Simms & Associates, a trusted partner with sector experience and an excellent track record of delivering projects on time and within budget, was crucial for ensuring a smooth transition. The dedicated team of project managers, consultants, and support staff at Simms & Associates worked closely with Matia Fundazioa throughout the implementation process. Despite challenges such as staff changes within both teams, the collective commitment ensured the correct delivery and implementation of the project at Matia Fundazioa’s centres within a tight sixmonth schedule.

A notable feature of UKG Pro WFM was its ability to decentralise workforce management
responsibilities, empowering team leaders to oversee the scheduling and allocation of their workers. This change not only improved operational efficiency but also fostered a sense of control among the staff members. Additionally, the automation capabilities of UKG Pro WFM simplified processes such as leave requests and shift swaps, reducing administrative overhead
and ensuring compliance with labour regulations. Integration with Matia Foundation’s payroll
system further accelerated payroll processing, enhancing overall efficiency.

"The powerful cloud integration environment of UKG along with the technical expertise of S&A resulted in seamless interoperability of the platform with our existing technological environment. We were also convinced by the highest standards of security and compliance provided by UKG. Both aspects resulted in significant savings for our IT department."

Estíbaliz Aguado // Information Systems, Matia

While it is too early to quantify the full impact of UKG Pro WFM, Matia has already observed positive changes in their daily operations. The widespread adoption of the mobile app by the workforce, even among employees with limited technical skills, demonstrates its usefulness and accessibility.

Looking ahead, Matia aims to leverage the capabilities of UKG Pro Analytics to gain a deeper understanding of workforce performance and optimise resource allocation. Simms & Associates continues to provide invaluable post-implementation support, ensuring continued success and enabling the exploration of new avenues for improvement, such as addressing absenteeism to enhance staff stability. The collaboration between Simms & Associates and Matia exemplifies the power of partnership in driving significant changes. By combining expertise, dedication, and a shared commitment to excellence, both parties have demonstrated how innovative solutions can transform organisations and positively impact the lives of those most in need.

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